Setup Fee in Website Hosting
If you get a website hosting package through our company, the final price that you need to pay throughout the checkout is identical to the cost you have already seen on our main page as well as on every other page on our web site. The processing of the payment and the account creation on our state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform are close to fully automated, so we consider that charging you any kind of installation costs would be rather unreasonable. Even if you get a couple of accounts at once, you will not be expected to spend any money for the setup or for any other concealed costs for that matter. It is our principle that being honest to every single customer from the beginning is way more beneficial than getting a few extra dollars.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you order a semi-dedicated server plan through us, you'll pay just the monthly fee that you already see on our website. Your account will be set up on our servers and we will activate it in a matter of minutes without additional fee. This will be valid for each and every monthly payment and regardless of the total number of accounts that you buy. It is our belief that it's not reasonable to charge additional money for a task that we have almost fully automated, so that you will never see any sort of installation fees or other hidden charges. By reason of this, the fees that are on our front page, on your payment page as well as on your bank statement will always be exactly the same.