When you upload a file on a web hosting server, it will need a certain amount of space on the hard disk dependent on its particular size. If you operate a script-driven internet site which stores its data in a database, it will require more space, the more people work with it. For example, in the event that you have a community forum, the more comments people write, the bigger the database will get. Email messages, particularly ones having attachments, also need some disk space in the site hosting account. The hard disk space quota you will get with your website hosting provider is the full amount of info you could have at any moment, and it includes web site files, emails plus databases. Likewise, a personal computer has a hard disk and the computer programs installed on it and all of the docs and music files that you create or download require some disk space, which can't exceed the full capacity of the hdd.

Disk Space in Website Hosting

With the help of our website hosting packages, you will never be worried about hard drive space. While most companies generate accounts using a single server and sooner or later all the server hard disk storage is in use, we have applied a cloud hosting platform where the files, e-mail messages and databases are handled by separate clusters of servers. By doing this, each machine performs better because only one type of processes is functioning on it, and the hdd storage is virtually infinite due to the fact that we will always attach extra servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, depending on whether we'd like additional processing power or extra space. You won't ever encounter a situation where you are not able to upload more files as there's no free hard disk space on the server, that is a problem you can experience with other providers. When you use our website hosting services, you can be sure that limited space will not be an issue for the progress of your sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a characteristic to accentuate that it is completely limitless. We're able to achieve that through the use of a cutting-edge, custom-made cloud hosting system, where your emails, databases and files will be kept on different clusters of servers. We are able to add extra hard disk drives or entire servers to any of the clusters and whenever needed, and furthermore our hosting Control Panel is designed to support this kind of system. In comparison, nearly all of the Control Panels on the web hosting market can work only on a single server, and irrespective of what a large number of companies promote, they really set up various accounts on just a single machine. Having a semi-dedicated server package from us, you'll never have to concern yourself with disk space limits and you can focus on improving your web sites.