Through the Promotions By Storm Web Hosting! Control Panel, you’ll have realtime access to the hosting resources consumed by your sites plus the site traffic that is generated from your customers. The information is introduced in an easy–to–use visual user interface, on a per–day, weekly and monthly basis. Furthermore, you’ll discover detailed information regarding our platform including the actual IP address of the server, the OS, the currently applied versions of PHP and MySQL and many more.

Server Information and Facts

Examine the server’s Operating System, IP address, and so on.

From the Web Stats Manager part of the Control Panel, you’ll get up–to–date details about the server like the OS that is used or the real IP address of your web hosting account. Furthermore, you will find helpful info for your own web development plans such as the latest editions of PHP, MySQL and Perl, and the installed Perl modules. Mailing server data like the sendmail path or the incoming and outgoing maill servers is also integrated.

All the server information and facts is delivered in an easy–to–read manner for you to easily find the information you’ll need.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Stats

Immediately track down any web site efficiency issues

The Access and Error Stats document information about the web server, including details about hosting server access as well as the sorts of glitches detected during hosting server operation. You’ll find both types of info on the overall performance of your web sites in the Web Stats Manager area of the Control Panel.

The access log displays all the text files, image files, video files, etc. that people have got inquired to view in your website, and the error log archives almost all alerts and glitches that the hosting server has encountered ever since the log file was developed.

Hepsia File Manager

Web Traffic Stats

The ultimate way to follow site visitors’ flow

When you manage a successful website, it is crucial that you understand a lot about site visitors – just how many unique visitors your website draws, how many site visitors go back to your site, precisely what key terms people have used to locate your site, etcetera. Within the Web Stats Manager section of your Control Panel, you will see two traffic statistics tools – Webalizer and Awstats that will help you find all the information that you require.

The tools demand zero configuration. As soon as your website is on the web, they will start accumulating data with no effort on your part.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Statistics

Follow your web sites’ CPU load

The hosting server’s CPU is vital for the connection between your site and its site visitors. The more advanced and resource–absorbing your websites are, the more web server assets and server operation time will be needed for them to work.

In the CPU stats section of the Control Panel, you are able to keep track of the employment of CPU resources accumulated by each of your web sites. This can allow you to take appropriate steps and optimize your websites if the CPU use limit has been exceeded. You can view thorough CPU statistics for every day and month or for an entire year.

Hepsia File Manager