In the Promotions By Storm Web Hosting! control panel you’ll find an easy to use website generation tool that you can leverage to construct a new, cool website yourself. It’s really simple to learn, even if you aren’t well-versed in web design. The builder offers a lot of site themes available in a plethora of color set–ups that you can modify up to your preference. And best of all, your website will appear excellent across mobile devices!

The website generation tool is included with all Linux website hosting, Linux VPS hosting, Linux semi-dedicated hosting, and Linux dedicated web hosting offers which are combined with the Promotions By Storm Web Hosting! Control Panel.

An easy to use website generation tool

No web development experience is needed

The website generation tool packed with the Promotions By Storm Web Hosting! user interface is extremely easy to use. It allows you to design your own unique site via simple point&click movements. There’s no need to comprehend HTML, CSS or some other programming language. If you’ve ever worked with a web application or perhaps a text editor, you’ll already understand how to use the website generation tool.

With the tool’s interface, you can experiment with page contents the way you like and apply your own style with just a mouse click. Also, you could embed images, videos, and even your own discussion board, etc. in an instant.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

A variety of easy–to–re–design themes

Modern–looking website designs that look cool on any type of device

In order to make an attractive website, you will need to have a stable foundation. That’s why, the Promotions By Storm Web Hosting!’s website generation tool has a rich library of one–of–a–kind site designs, perfect for any type of websites – individual pages, e–commerce stores, discussion boards, and so on.

Each website template is easy–to–redesign, with numerous layout schemes, different color setups and built–in support for more than a hundred different web fonts. You can customize each of these settings with just a click. And to top it all off, if at any moment you wish to switch your website theme and go for a new one, all tweaks you have implemented will be switched over instantly.

A variety of easy–to–re–design themes

Built–in Help Center and how–to video tutorials

Learn how straightforward it actually is to launch a web presence

The Promotions By Storm Web Hosting!’s website generation tool has a help desk which features comprehensive how–to articles and videos influenced by the most commonly asked questions by users.

You’ll be able to watch how to personalize your website template and launch an all new page. Besides, you will discover exactly how you can select an alternative website template or perhaps embed a forum onto your site.

In addition, you can communicate with us anytime if you need immediate help with your website.

Video Tutorials